SEO Strategy on How to Get Tons of Unique Backlinks for Free

Getting backlinks to your site is critical if you want to rank well in the SERPS and get tons of organic traffic.  Here is a method I first noticed many years ago that I still use today as one of my most important SEO strategies.

So years ago I was looking into hosting commissions niche.  Commissions for a hosting plan were anywhere from $50 to $150 so driving sales could become very profitable very quickly.  I wanted to see who the top dogs in Google were so I searched for “hosting plan comparison” and analyzed the top few sites and their backlinks.  The top ranking site back then had tons of backlinks (no surprise) but I was surprised at how he got them.  He was building templates; WordPress templates, css templates, etc… and distributing them for free.  In the footer of each template was an anchor text link back to his hosting review site.  And he used some coding so that if you tried to remove his link it would screw up the footer so the average noob could not remove his link.  He had tens of thousands of quality unique diversified backlinks as a result.

The strategy is very effective.  If you can code templates, themes, etc… you could design unique ones and distribute on a variety of places.  You could hire an outsourced worker to build them for you if you’re not a coder.  Or you can find free ones out there in cyberspace that allow you to edit and redistribute them.  And what you’ll find is that people will redistribute your distribution.  They find it one place, they take it, and post it somewhere else to share with others.  You’ll have people be doing a chunk of the distribution work for you for free.  And if you create a theme or template that is kickass that tons of people use you could get your site to literally go from a Pagerank0 to a Pagerank5 very quickly.

So if you’re looking for some backlink diversity, and you’re looking for unique backlinks, and you want to move up in the SERPS fast then you should consider this method because this has worked like a charm for a lot of my sites.

Incoming search terms:

  • backlinks
  • seo strategy template
  • seo backlinks

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