Increase Clickthroughs via Your Resource Box When Article Marketing

This is a short tip that many people do not do and they are missing out on.  Earlier today I wrote about submitting your articles to article directory sites.  One feature that most of these sites has is a resource box.  The resource box is the place where the article directory site let’s you drop a line or two about yourself or your site.  A lot of people use a basic and bland approach and say something like:

My name is John Doe and I’ve been in internet marketing for 10 years.  My site is and I’d like to invite you to come and check it out for more great tips on internet marketing.

This is BORINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.  But yet this is what most people do.  And you get clickthroughs from your resource box to your site about what, somewhere in the 3-7% range.  Would it be much better to increase that to the 25% range instead?  And all it takes is a simple call to action.  Give people a reason to want to clickthrough to your site.  How do you do this?  Offer them something, not a generalization but something precise.  “The first 100 people to come to my site can get my ebook for free on how I made $25,000 in one month”.  Bingo, now you just gave someone a reason to clickthrough to your site.  And if you are not in the internet marketing niche that is ok.  If you are in the auto insurance niche you could put “Visit my site for a free auto quote in 60 seconds.  Open to the first 100 respondents.”

If you want to do anything online you need to create buzz, excitement, and curiousity.  This goes for a resource box, a sales page, an article, whatever.  Enjoy the increased traffic!

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