How to Track When Your Email is Read

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A few articles ago we tried a method that required a little email trick which notified you when someone opened an email that you sent them. We said we were going to have to go over that in the future and this is where we will do so.

To do this, you will need a few things. A Chrome browser and a Gmail email account (existing is fine). Set that up if you don’t already use them and then go to this link Download and install this chrome extension and restart your browser.

Once the rightinbox extension is installed, go to Gmail and open your email account there. When you are in, you will see a notification that says rightinbox for Gmail is ready. Click continue and go to compose to create a new email.

If you look, you will see a new bar atop your email. This is the extension and it will allow you to either send the email later or track the email. Tick the track bow so that you will be able to see when the email has been open by the recipient.

Now you wait. When the email is opened by the recipient, you will receive an email with the time it was opened, as well as the IP address and the users location.  If you are wondering, no. The recipient will not be aware that you are tracking the email. So you will be safe as far as that is concerned.

The idea is to be able to know exactly when an email is opened so that you can follow up via phone when your pitch is fresh in their head. Don’t tell them that you were tracking the email, of course. Just act as if it was completely coincidental. This works well if you are using it on a mass scale. Send 50-100 emails out ina group to potential customers and refresh your inbox over and over. Do this during business hours so you are not wasting your time waiting on emails.

This is also good for job hunting. You can see when a potential employer reads your email and you can gauge their interest depending on their response time. If they respond right away, that likely means they are interested in hiring you. If you see that they have read the email a while ago and you haven’t heard back from them yet, that likely means they are not interested in you as a candidate.

There are many ways that you can use this to your advantage aside from what was mentioned here. Add your own twist and use this tool to increase your efficiency as it related to your work specifically.

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