How to get more Facebook Likes

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Everyone uses Facebook…most popular social network…you know the drill by now. In this article, we will talk about why and how you can get more “likes” to your site or page.

The first thing we should do is understand what “likes” do. For one, a higher number makes your site look better. If I see that 2,000 people have liked your page, I am more likely to conclude that it is for good reason and what ever it is that got them to like the page, I better find it because it is going to be good. In a way, you could say a high like count increases your social presence.

The second reason and the most important reason is that likes will help your content spread more quickly and organically. When someone likes your page, future posts and Facebook content will appear on their news feed. This puts your content in front of their eyes and increases the likelihood that they share this content with their friends and so on.  Any time we talk about social media, we are aiming for the viral effect and that is basically how it works.

Now let’s get to it. How can your get more likes? The first and most obvious thing you should do is to put a like box n your site. This will allow visitors to like your page without jumping through hoops or leaving your page. This is pretty easy to do. If you use WordPress, there are plenty of plugins that will allow you to do this.

Now we are going to jump back a bit. Remember how we said your content will appear on their news feed if they like the page? There is a little more benefit to that than what we originally discussed. This added benefit is that you know your content is going to be displayed in front of a “warm lead”. By that, I mean a person that is already interested in what your content is about. If you are selling products or services, this is a huge plus. If you are just banking off of Adsense, not so much.

Another way you can get more likes is with pictures or better yet, infographics. There is too much information on the internet and people don’t like to sit and read a lengthy article all that much. They would much rather look at a cool picture or get a quick overview of something via an infographic. Post this stuff and add a simple “like my page” call to action line somewhere in there. It works surprisingly well.

There are many ways to add Facebook likes to your site or Facebook page. You just have to post interesting content and get a little creative. It is fairly easy to do and if you are good enough, it can make your traffic explode.

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