Idiot’s Adsense Guide: Earning Money with Photo Blogs

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Monetizing websites with Adsense is often overlooked as a source of feasible quick cash flow. When it comes to the world of online marketing this business model is as old as the invention of the wheel. It’s largely received a bad reputation due to the recent trend of web site builders and outsourcers who sold the infamous “micro niche site” Understandably, people who invested hundreds and even thousands into these sites became disenfranchised with internet marketing altogether when they saw pennies in return for their investment and (oftentimes) sweat equity. One common cliché is that you need to massively scale up your Adsense sites to overcome the inconsistencies and injustices of Google’s algorithm updates. While it’s true that it’s not a good idea to put all your eggs in one basket many people in internet marketing simply overlook alternatives to SEO consequently end up juggling to many different projects. It’s no wonder why 99% of people “fail” or give up in making money online. I am going to share how you can leverage a secret SEO alternative. This is the exact method that got my site to earn $91 on the third night upon its completion!

Humor is one of the most powerful human emotions. In fact, studies have shown that smiling, laughter, and regular muscle relaxation beneficial is reversing the aging process that’s partially induced by stress. You guessed it! This secret Adsense site is a humor themed blog. However, while content is king you won’t have to worry about investing in writers or slaving away writing articles yourself. The first step is to register a domain name relating to funny picture or funny memes. Anything with the word “lol” or “lolz” is a good option.

The key to traffic generation is to entice Facebook browsers to hit “share” Once they’ve done this your promotional content and website link will be posted on their wall for all their friends to see. This imitates how news is spread virally. If you are able to successfully leverage a viral campaign you will easily rake in at least $200 in a day. If you are willing to invest some serious cash you should consider private messaging individuals who own the most popular pages in a given niche. If they are willing to sell ad space on their page you can reap massive prospects due to your site being exposed to a boost in highly targeted traffic.


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