Posts by Tips

Buying Sponsored Posts

This may be a topic of debate but according to many, buying sponsored posts on blogs and relevant sites can be one of the …

Hashtags and Answers

In this article, we are going to continue on with Twitter as we did in the last article “Creating buzz with twtter”. In that …

Creating Buzz on Twitter

We have mentioned Twitter a few times before. Most recently, we talked about live tweeting and how to do it. In this article, we …

More Ecommerce Site Tips

In the last article, we gave you some tips on how to set up a profitable Ecommerce site. Today, we are going to continue …

Ecommerce Tips

If you are looking to set up an Ecommerce store, you are going to want to get it right the first time. There are …

Live Tweeting

What is live tweeting?
Live tweeting refers to someone tweeting what is basically a play by play of a event that the tweeter is involved …

How to Use the Census to Gain a Marketing Edge

The US census comes out once every 10 years. We have a 6 1/2 year wait until the next update, but the 2010 census …

How to Make a SEO Proposal

If you work in SEO or aspire to do so or are looking for this work, you are going to or at least you …

How to Track When Your Email is Read

A few articles ago we tried a method that required a little email trick which notified you when someone opened an email that you …

How to Interview and Quote for Freelance Jobs

In the last article, we went over a few tips on how to secure freelance work doing IM task. If you missed it, give …