Why Scaling SEO is So Important

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If you have decided to take action and perform search engine optimization in order to market your website, congratulations! You have done more than the vast majority of marketers, but it is important not to be aggressive too quickly in your zeal for results. While working hard is always important when it comes to internet marketing, sometimes less is more in the early months of your SEO campaign. Scaling the links in your quest to increase rankings is going to have a much more sustainable and natural benefit for your website.

Jumping the Gun – When Working Hard Can Hurt

Anyone who has been following the SEO industry for the past year has realized that mass automated spamming to a site will no longer produce any kind of desired results. Still, even when you are producing unique content on your link building tiers, you could be getting yourself into serious problems in the future. Half of the issues that internet marketers have with the search engine algorithms is not looking natural.

A new or even an aged domain that has had no link building, is not going to organically go from no or only a few backlinks to dozens of good quality links in the course of a day. Trickling the links at the beginning, starting small on the first month, and providing more in the month after that are going to be the most effective ways to start doing SEO on your site.

While it is easy to get excited about a project and aggressively attack websites with links that might be high quality, sometimes it is better to avoid setting off any unnatural alarm bells by scaling your link building in a much more sustainable way.

Is Scaling That Important?

Through a case study I performed with two ecommerce sites, it is incredibly important to pay particularly close attention to the rate that you perform SEO in the first few months. With both ecommerce sites, the same type of link building was performed, but one of them scaled and the other did not. In fact, one remained at the same level of tiered backlinking from day one while the scaled ecommerce site took four months in order to get to that spot.

The results have been astounding so far and there is no telling what else could happen the next time a big search engine update is implemented. The site that scaled the links is mid-way down the first page for multiple different keywords, but the other site is struggling on the fifth or sixth page. These drastic differences are purely the result of the initial linking strategies and nothing more (as nothing has changed).

To me, this is a sign that building links in the first few months is crucial for determining whether or not the link building seems natural to the algorithm. It wouldn’t make sense for a site to come out of nowhere and have tons of backlinks so it is best to err on the side of caution.


Matthew Point is an ecommerce SEO specialist that provides advice for his own clients and implements strategies for his on rechargeable batteries website among many others.

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