Video Ranking Money Making Method – Affiliate Network

In the past two months, we have learned a lot about video creation, backlinking and ranking videos on both YouTube and Google. In this set of articles, we are going to combine everything that we learned into a money making method that will absolutely help you earn passive income for a long time. As you go through this method, we will be referring to many of the previous articles which explain each step in more detail. If you did not read them or are confused at any point, you may want to go back and read those articles so that you can fully understand how to make this method work.

First, let’s go over a brief overview of what we are going to be learning. You’re going to find an affiliate network and use keyword research to find targeted keywords that we can use to sell affiliate products from. You’re going to use our new video making skills to create some interesting videos and rank them both Google and YouTube. We will continue on to talking about backlinking strategies and other tips to increase your traffic and make conversions.

1)     Find an Affiliate Network

The first thing you’ll want to find is an affiliate site. If you are a member of the affiliate site, use that. It would help if you’re familiar with the affiliate network for at least your first crack at this. Ideally, you will want to find an affiliate network that offers percent or more commission.

Health products usually sell great for this method. You will also want to find an affiliate network that has a large selection of products and items. We need a large selection so that we can find the best keywords to attack with our videos. You also want to stay away from affiliates that only sell e-books, services or high ticket items. These are much harder to sell and will not be as effective as medium priced products with this method.

Once you identify your affiliate network, apply and make sure that you are accepted. Familiarize yourself with the rules. The through this method so that you know exactly what you’re doing and make sure that the affiliate network will allow it. For the most part, this method is safe. At best, you will be able to direct your audience from the you directly to the offer. At worst, you will have to make a landing page which then sends them to the offer.

It is okay to use multiple affiliate networks, however, is probably best that stick to one because it will make it easier to complete the rest of the steps which we will explain in detail in the next several articles.

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