How to Make a Guaranteed $10 a Day with Domain Names

Category : Domain Names, Make Money Online

Responses : 4 Comments

I receive emails pretty much daily from people asking questions either about something they have read on Anticareer or asking for advice.  I usually respond to one or two a day and once in a while there’s one that makes me write a post on here.  I received a question from Shashank who asked what he could do to make $10 USD a day guaranteed online.  Normally I’d refer Shashank to one of the posts on here and that would be the end of it but his email went on to offer some more personal information.  Where he lives $10 USD a day is a very good living.  It can provide food, rent, and have money leftover to spare.  When I think of $10/day it has a different meaning to me so it is important to remember its a big world out there.

Well Shashank I’m going to give you what I would consider to be a very easy, simple, straightforward method with domain names and I can tell you that I’ve seen this work and generate more then $10/day so that is why I’m guaranteeing you can make at least $10/day.

GoDaddy auctions has a section called “Closeout Domains”.  These are domains that are at buy it now prices for $5-10.  You can also search for domains by how old they are.  This is like shooting fish in a barrel if you’re looking to make $10/day in profit.  All you need to do is find aged domains that are 13 years or older (the older the better) where the domain can be used in a niche (think insurance, health, finance, sports, etc…).  This is really the only ‘hard’ part of this method.  You need to pick the domains that would appeal to people you are going to resell to.  These aren’t going to be great domain names, but people are going to use these for SEO purposes so as long as they are aged and have the keyword in them that is usually all they care about.

There are tons of places you can go to sell that domain.  Here’s a previous post of mine that has tons of places you can go to sell it.  Beyond that list, you can go to internet marketing forums like WarriorForum, BlackhatWorld, DigitalPoint, etc… and start a sales thread.  I saw a sales thread on one of these forums where a guy was selling aged domains for $60 each.  He’d always carry an inventory of around 25 domains and anyone could pick one for $65.  I know he was getting them from GoDaddy Closeouts because I’d seen a few of them while scanning the expiring domain list on GoDaddy.  He was making around $50 profit per sale and I’d guess he sold one every day or two.

Why will this work?  Won’t everyone just go there and buy the domain at GoDaddy closeouts themselves? 

Nope they won’t.  Some people don’t know about GoDaddy closeouts.  Some people think an aged domain usually sells for $XXX so they are happy to pay $XX for one.  Some people are lazy and don’t want to spend the time scanning lists to find a domain to buy.  Etc etc etc…

I think the above method is pretty much as close to a guarantee as I can give on something working.  There are more then enough aged domains to buy on the cheap, and there’s more then enough places to sell them.  And if you’re willing to accept a profit of $10/day then you will have no trouble moving at least one domain per day with minimal work.  So for anyone who is in a position like Shashank there you go.  Put in a little effort and you will start earning a profit in less than 48 hours.

Incoming search terms:

  • earn money online $10 a day
  • was to make 10 a day

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  1. don’t try this at home kids…
    you will lose money…
    he makes money by sending folks to godaddy close out auctions…
    you will lose money…

     — Reply
    • Anyone is free to directly to to quell Anunt’s concern. And I’m sure Anunt (who I believe buys domains himself) is quite a hypocrite to buy and sell domains and tell you not to (unless he is trying to eliminate his competition).

       — Reply
  2. Thank you for sharing this amazing methods to earn at least $300 monthly…. I will definitely try it out

     — Reply
  3. @Anunt:

    Does not matter If writer use affiliate link but method is so useful. You need to purchase correct domain and also If you get success in finding a domains related to VPN, Hosting, Game server then Digitalpoint will be helpful.

    But Blackhatworld and Warriror forum charge money for posting selling thread. You need to post 100 post on BHW and then purchase VIP account at $99 or something then you will be able to post domain offer at $30 for each selling thread.

    Anyway, Idea is nice but required money and maybe you will be end up selling your domain in loss.

     — Reply